Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year... New Challenge

Yesterday mid-workout (don't laugh... a lot of plans are made in my head during a workout) the activity helps me think... at least when I don't get in trouble for talking during class that is... So yesterday in between single-leg squats Jen and I decided to embark on a mini-challenge with each other to start the new year off with as much enthusiasm as we ended 2010...

So... our challenge is a simple pound for pound loss... no body fat measurements, nothing formal, simple on our honor... who can lose more pounds in the next 6 weeks... We both weighed in this morning and texted each other our starting weights... and we are off! The loser buys the winner dinner at Dick's Kitchen (a Paleo Friendly restauant in Portland) since that's the diet we both chose.

Wish us both luck, or better yet... join us! All losers WIN!


  1. I'm in! A little competition couldn't hurt me now.

    I've lost 15.4 pounds since Jan 1, 2011. I'm unstoppable! Of course, I would have the advantage of still being 85 pounds overweight, and the whole being male at twice your mass advantage, so I doubt you can lose pounds as fast as me. Might want to hold me to percentage of body weight, or something, to even it out.

    I'll also be traveling 6 weeks from now, so I couldn't actually attend the dinner. But you guys go and I'll pay for it if I lose. And if I win, you can endure my insufferable self-satisfaction. Heh.

  2. How about a new competition Steven... I didn't do so well on this one... and my Birthday is coming... i want to get back on track and get back to where I was and then a little more. I'll post a new blog note... just for the two of us. I'm going to follow Robb Wolf's 30-day plan (kind of) I'm the master of changing plans to meet mine and my family's needs. I just need to have a plan first that is the key for me.
