Monday, March 21, 2011

Breaks over!

I haven't been feeling well, my bee has been sick, for some strange reason I went from a non-drinker to a crazy-drunk... okay not really a crazy drunk but I've had a few ladies nights that were a blast and I ended up drinking more than my days worth of allowed calories... what I thought was a hangover was really the beginning of a virus and on top of that my once a year bronchial infection hit... but good news, I went to the doc today, I have a 4 day does of steroids for my lungs to heal and an antibiotic for the other yucky stuff that is keeping me down and I'll be good as new by the end of the week... yay!

I met with a friend last night who wants to give Paleo a "try" for a couple weeks, I might add that this friend does not just "try" anything... it will be all or nothing and she will be very successful. She has inspired me for a new start myself... Today has been a good day food wise, stayed on plan the entire day... No Faileo for me today. =) I decided while she was giving Paleo a 100% shot for 2 weeks, that I should too so I started journalling as that always helps keep me on track. Then my friend... we'll call her "Bean" sent me a picture of her fantastic Paleo breakfast and said she was going to do a picture journal instead... what a great idea! I already take pictures (with my phone) of most of my paleo successes... but why not all at least for a couple weeks... so 9 readers of mine... this may bore you or inspire you... I'm not sure which but I've got 15 pounds to lose for my 2011 goal... and I know it's only March... but I lost a total of 15 pounds from 2009 to 2011... that's right 2 freakin' years of up 5, down 5, up 5 down 6, up 5, down 5... FRUSTRATING! but thanks to a switch to no grains/dairy/or legumes... i dropped nearly 14 pounds in the last 6 weeks of the year.

So what did I learn? Basically what I already knew but with proof... My body does not process grains and dairy... I'm not positive what my body does with legumes, but dropping them has definitly not hurt me and I admit when I'm out of non-paleo options... a nice healthy lean protein from beans is still a backup plan for me.

I've started posting some of my favorite websites... They are all websites or blogs that I frequent for recipes and ideas... I have several others but they are strictly facebook pages... i'll start to add them later. Elana's pantry is not "paleo" however, her use of almond flour is amazing... so definitly check our some of her recipes for some paleo and almost paleo (definitly gluten free) super yummy food and treats... On to the Day One Journal.


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